
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Chalk Paint Link Party and a Question?

THANK YOU so much to everyone that linked up last week.  Such beautiful and creative ideas!  

We started our weekly Chalk Paint link party over a year and half ago to have a place to share and feature projects painted with Chalk Paint decorative paint by Annie Sloan.  Since that time, we have expanded and grown so much and our business has incorporated many new and wonderful products as well.  Including Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint, Dash and Albert rugs, Pinecone Hill bedding, fabulous and beautiful treasures from local artisans and so much more!  We love everything about what we do. It is such a delightful, creative, and rewarding blessing to us to continue to develop our business.

 Along with this, our new tag line in our store has become: 

Quite Simply...Beautiful Things.

We have been torn as to whether or not to continue our weekly link party focusing just on Annie's fabulous paint, or should we open it up to incorporate more beautiful things?

Please let us know your thoughts, we want to hear from you.

Would you like us to continue our weekly link party exclusive to Chalk Paint or would you like to see more beautiful things along with it?

Do you have something you painted with Chalk Paint™ decorative paint by Annie Sloan?
Please share in our Link Party, here are the details:

1. Our blog is dedicated to Chalk Paint™ Please only share pieces using Chalk Paint decorative paints by Annie Sloan. It can be anything you want, as long as you used Chalk Paint!

2. Please post a permalink to your post only, not your entire blog.

3. Please help spread the word about our weekly Chalk Paint Linky Party - Grab our button on the sidebar

4. Party closes on Friday, November 9 at 11:59pm MST. We will pick more people to feature and a winner!


  1. I've started using MMS a few weeks ago and think it would be fun to incorporate other brands you sell into your weekly link party.

  2. I always thought the best and most successful parties were those that invited people from all walks of life. I think the same would apply to a blog!
    Thank you for hosting!


  3. Thanks so much for hosting this great painting party! Life to the full, Melissa
