
Monday, August 27, 2012

Kitchen Remodel Woes

Happy Monday everyone!  We hope everyone had a beautiful weekend.

We wanted to share our joy of a DIY kitchen remodel from last week.
Our kids started school last Tuesday, so of course Monday night was the perfect time to finish up the shelves in the pantry so we could be more organized and ready for packing lunches and snacks, right?   The contents of our pantry have been spread throughout our dining room and living room for the last month, so needless to say, I was thrilled!

Here is the start of it.
Never got the picture with the finished shelves, but they were there.....for about 10 minutes.
Then we walked downstairs to find it raining in our basement.  
Shortly afterwards, the pantry looked like this. 

See all those lovely copper plumbing lines in there?
Yea, they can sure make it rain when there is about 5 different holes punctured in them.

At midnight, we had this. 
Fortunately, we were able to get the plumbing completely fixed the next afternoon.  
Needless to say, I still don't have pantry shelves...sigh.
But at least we have running water again in the house!
Thankful that our four kids (including 2 teenage daughters) were troopers about not having any running water for the first morning of starting school.

I am sure everyone has had their share of DIY remodel woes.
Feel free to leave a comment with your story, we can have a good laugh together.