
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Chalk Paint™ Link Party!

Hello all!  Hope you are having a beautiful week!  Thanks again for a wonderful party last week.  What really caught our attention was the projects that you created using items that most people would not even consider looking at, yet alone painting.  We are always telling our customers how versatile Chalk Paint™ is and how there is no other product like it on the market.  Well, you proved it this last week!  It is amazing to see the transformation a simple pot of paint can make on cast off items.

Check this plastic shelf that Nicole from De tout, de rien refinished with Antoinette.  Yes, it started as gold plastic, that had been painted an ugly brown until Nicole saw its potential and gave it new life.  
Simple and easy!

 You must take a look at what Suzan from Simply Vintageous started with here.  I have to admit that I would have totally passed this one over.  She started with a burnt and filthy TV tray.  Yet, look at the beautiful finished product she created with Coco and Old White.  Amazing!
Do you have something you painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint™?
Please share in our Link Party, here are the details:

1. Our blog is dedicated to Chalk Paint™ Please only share pieces using Chalk Paint decorative paints by Annie Sloan. It can be anything you want, as long as you used Chalk Paint!

2. Please post a permalink to your post only, not your entire blog.

3. Please help spread the word about our weekly Chalk Paint Linky Party - Grab our button on the sidebar

4. Party closes on Thursday, July 19 at 11:59pm MST. We will pick more people to feature for next week.


  1. This is fun! But I want to change my picture (that I already uploaded twice). How do I delete my posts so I can enter a different one?

    1. Hey Sally! Thanks for linking up. I just deleted your two entries, so feel free to link up with the picture you want. Let me know if you have any trouble...beautiful project thanks again for linking!

    2. Thank you. Still trying to figure it all out on this site. This time I uploaded two pictures. Didn't mean to. I thought one didn't work and tried another and then saw that they were both here. If I'm only supposed to have one, please choose the one you prefer and delete the other. Thanks for hosting this site. Lots of fun stuff!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you Amber and Brad for featuring my shelf! And thank you for hosting every week!

  4. Thanks so much for the feature!!!
    And love Nicole's shelf too -
    Have linked up my projects for this week - thanks for hosting
    such a great chalk paint party

  5. Thank you so much for the party! See lots of wonderful projects this week. :)
